BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Intellectual Output

BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Project 2019-1-FR01-KA203-063010 (167 512 512)
BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Project 2019-1-FR01-KA203-063010 (167 512 512)
After studying this lesson on writing memos, you will be able to
The word memorandum derives from Latin and means
‘to be remembered’. It was first used in the 15th century by merchants
and lawyers and it was written at the top of notes and records (Cresswell, J., 2010).
Nowadays, more often than not, the shortened form, memo, is used. Memos, once
the main way to send messages to employees within companies, are now often sent
in the form of an email or attached to emails. However, they differ from
regular emails in a number of ways: memos are less personal, tend to be more
direct and factual, and are written for a wide audience rather than one person.
They are often printed and distributed in paper form, and may appear on
staffroom notice-boards, etc., to be consulted by many people, possibly on more
than one occasion. Memos may be written for various
reasons, such as to announce changes, provide updates, remind staff, and call
for action.
Since memos are often used to give employees
information and may also be sent to address speculation among employees, they
are written concisely, factually and without emotional language. They tend to
get to the point quickly and are not time-consuming to read. The style can be
either formal or neutral, depending on the message.
Find out the typical structure of a memo and read the three sample memos. How are they connected?