Listening critically

1. What does it mean to listen well?

Basically, it means you are involved in the process of listening both physically and mentally. First of all, you must be physically able to hear the sounds that the speaker makes and be able to understand them. However, it is not enough to hear. You need to pay attention to be able to receive the message, both verbal and nonverbal. To get better at listening, it helps to prepare yourself. You could adopt a positive attitude towards the speaker and his/her message, and strive to listen to all he/she has to say, not just the things you are interested in. Concentrate on what the other person says, not on what you would like to say next on the subject. You can think much faster than the speaker can say things, therefore you must be patient and let him/her finish. Even if you disagree with the ideas presented by the speaker, it is helpful not to interrupt, but wait with remarks or questions until he/she has finished speaking. And, finally, you need to realize that as you are listening you are also sending messages to the speaker. He/she notices if you cannot maintain eye contact, or if your body language shows that you are bored or tired.