Getting down to it: the language of your speech, the preparation of notes and rehearsal

2. Making notes

While most people have a preferred way of preparing notes for a speech, there are a few general ideas, which should be taken into account. First of all, choose the right paper size: do not go for a big sheet of paper, which will hide you from the audience. It is best to use paper which is cut to smaller size, maybe half of the European A4 page.

Second, use several smaller pieces of paper. Each one of them should be devoted to one part of your speech, or one argument. When you speak, it is much easier to find a specific point in your notes if you keep a small pile in your hands, and set them aside while you speak.

Third, do no go for any peculiar colors, unless they help you pay special attention to something.

Finally, when you rehearse your speech, you should use your actual notes to see if they work for you; and if they do not, think how they could be improved.