Delivery notes part 1: Vocal and personal qualities; dealing with stage fright

2. Practical Issues of Public Speaking

When it comes to the speaking venue, it is best to arrive early or check several things beforehand, so you are not surprised on the actual day of presentation.  Things to consider:

What is the room layout? Can people see and hear me comfortably? Do I want to change the seating arrangement? Remember that you can stage the room for success and change the atmosphere by moving chairs and/or tables. Is there a podium?

Is the lighting appropriate? Is there adequate ventilation/ heating?

Where are the electricity outlets located? What kind of audio or video equipment will be provided (or will I have to provide?) What kind of microphone am I comfortable with: built into the podium, handheld, lapel, or wireless?

And, last but not least, where are the restrooms?