Non-verbal communication in virtual contexts

Posture is another underestimated element on online meetings. Being hunched over the computer does not only look bad but it also hurts your back tremendously. Downward posture makes you look down, i.e. you are literally do not maintain the eye contact and also even if you are to deliver some good or important news, still your body will convey only negative message. And whether you want it or not, this negative aspect will be remembered by most of the online meeting participants. Spending hours nowadays glued to the computer display, does not facilitate keeping straight posture, still there are some tricks that should do the job. Remember to keep you feet flat on the floor. The angle at your knees should be 90-degrees. Keep straight, because it will make you feel and look more energetic, confident and it will definitely do a lot of good for your body. Besides, believe it or not, but it also helps staying focused and more engaged. Remember, you can always conduct your meeting while standing which makes the straight posture much easier than while sitting.