Non-verbal communication in virtual contexts


Hand gestures are considered by non-verbal communication experts to be a powerful aspect of communication influencing both the speaker and the listener. When you use gestures while talking, your thinking abilities increase significantly, as well as it enables you to form your thoughts more clearly. You can also explain something better, or even wave hello to welcome everybody appearing in the meeting room. So definitely it helps you build your professional and positive look more effectively. To make your hand gestures more comfortable, try not to sit too close to the screen. Take a step back, so that your hands and torso are embraced by the camera. Remember, if you use your hands, especially while being online, you are seen more energetic and warm, and for sure your message will be conveyed more effectively. No one wants to see a host of the meeting absolutely disengaged or robot-like.


All in all, you may not like the virtual life, still it governs itself with its own rules and you need to be consciuous of them. Besides since about 70% of the communication is conveyed through non-verbal communication, just remember to switch on your camera, unless you have something to hide.


Source : Authors` own elaboration based on Black, (9 September 2020).