Interpersonal Communication

Essential Vocabulary

Barrier (noun) – a limit or boundary of any kind

Communicate (verb) – to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, by writing, speaking, etc.

Cutaneous (adj.) – pertaining to, or affecting the skin

Emotion (noun) – any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.

Feedback (noun) – knowledge of the results of any behaviour

Message (noun) – communication containing some information, advice, request, or the like

Noise (noun) a nonharmonious or discordant group of sounds

Receiver (noun) – one who receives

Sender (noun) – one who sends

Stereotype (noun) – a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group

Tactile (adj.) – pertaining to, or affecting the sense of touch

All definitions are from Webster’s New World Dictionary, 5th ed., 2016.