Interpersonal Communication

The objectives of communication

Let’s look at the four main objectives of communication and their characteristics:

  1. to be received/ heard or read
    The process of communication takes place in a given context and is a unique one. A sender should talk or write in a way s/he is heard or read best by the receiver.
  2. to be understood
    The message should be understood by the receiver, so the sender has to choose appropriate vocabulary and language forms.
  3. to be accepted
    The receiver needs to accept the message.
  4. to react / change behaviour or attitude
    Finally, the receiver should give feedback and/or change his/her behaviour.

The process of communication is fulfilled if all four elements take place. If one of the elements is missing then the process of communication is interrupted or not fulfilled (Stanton, 2009).

(Text adapted from the book: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, Szczuka-Dorna L., Vendome E., Poznan University of Technology, 2017.)