Preparing for public speaking

Essential Vocabulary

Adjust (verb) – to adapt or conform, as to new conditions

Affect (verb) – to have an influence or effect on something

Allot (verb) – to assign as one’s share

Appropriate (adj.) – suitable for a particular person, condition, etc.

Arouse (verb) – to excite, stir up

Brainstorm (verb) – to engage in shared problem-solving

Comprehend (verb) – to understand

Concise (adj.) – brief and to the point

Deliver (verb) – to express in words, utter

Distract (verb) – to draw away in another direction; confuse

Emerge (verb) – to become visible or apparent

Handout (noun) – a folder or leaflet circulated free of charge

Impromptu – spoken without or with little preparation

Integrity (noun) – honesty, sincerity

Narrow down (verb) – to limit or restrict

Outline (noun) – a summary of a written work or speech, usually done in headings and subheadings

Persuasive (adj.) – having the power to persuade

Reference (noun) – note in a publication referring the reader to another passage or source

Rehearse (verb) – to practice in preparation for public performance

Shortcoming (noun) – a flaw, deficiency, defect

Stage fright (noun) – acute nervousness associated with performing or speaking before an audience

Transition (noun) – a word, phrase, sentence connecting one part of discourse to another