Preparing for public speaking

Methods of speaking

Let’s look at the main methods of speaking. Some people like to read their entire presentation from a manuscript. This method allows them to choose words carefully and they feel confident delivering it. However, it should be strongly discouraged. We all know how boring and dull such speech is, and as the speaker cannot look at the audience too often, the listeners become disinterested and bored. Therefore, this method should not be used when we really want to have a good contact with the audience.

Other people prefer to speak from memory: they write the whole speech and memorize it before delivering. Apart from the obvious disadvantage that they can forget parts of the speech, they almost always sound unnatural delivering it. That is why the method should be avoided as well.

The third method of speaking is used in situations when you do not have much time to prepare (impromptu speaking): after a dinner party or other social occasions. It helps you think and organize quickly and gives you an opportunity to speak directly about something with spontaneity. Experienced speakers find it easy to make such speeches; however, most people find it a bit difficult and sometimes even intimidating, depending on their audience.

The most popular method of speaking is carefully planned, outlined and thoroughly practiced but not memorized. The exact language is not practiced, and the speaker uses notes with main ideas written down. This method of speaking can be used in various speaking situations, as it allows you to adjust your speech to your audience. At the same time, it forces you to be well prepared and carefully organized.