Writing business letters

Essential Vocabulary

Coherent (adj.) – marked by orderly, logical and aesthetic consistency

Complimentary close – a polite termination of a letter just before the writer’s signature

Concise (adj.) – expressing much in few words

Conclusion (noun) – the close or last part

Condition (noun) – anything required for the performance, completion or existence of something else

Consequence (noun) –- something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition

Generalize (verb) – to formulate general principles

Highlight (verb) – to make prominent

Implication (noun) – an indirect indication, implied meaning

Reason (noun) – the basis or motive for an action

Reference (noun) – 1. a note in a publication referring the reader to another passage or source; 2. a work frequently used as a source

Salutation (noun) – a word or phrase of greeting used to begin a letter

Sequence (noun) – a following of one thing after another

Spam (noun) – electronic junk mail: an unsolicited, often commercial, message transmitted through the Internet as a mass mailing to a large number of recipients

Taboo (adj.) – excluded or forbidden from use