BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Intellectual Output

BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Project 2019-1-FR01-KA203-063010 (167 512 512)
BADGE – Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Project 2019-1-FR01-KA203-063010 (167 512 512)
After studying this unit, you will be able to …
define a pie chart (circle graph), a Venn diagram, a flow chart, a concept map, a tree diagram and a table;
use the above types to represent graphical data effectively;
choose from a range of basic or more sophisticated types of graphical representation to make your presentation, dissertation or papers more detailed but, at the same time, clearer for your audience.
How can data be represented graphically?
What kinds of graphical representation do you use to visualize data?
Do you know what the differences and similarities are between the following types of graphical representation?
a pie chart (circle graph)
a Venn diagram
a flow chart
a concept map
a tree diagram
a table.
Historians believe that William Playfair’s development of the statistical chart was a response to the rapid and sharp increase in the availability of economic and demographic data collected by governments. It suddenly became necessary to find efficient ways to express all this information and charts filled that need.
However, people are suspicious and often afraid of innovations. Playfair’s data visualizations did not catch on quickly. Initially, serious academics considered them rather childish.
Data is the best tool for understanding the world around us, providing it is organized in a transparent, accurate and structured way.
Pie charts (also called circle graphs) compare parts of the whole, showing a percentage distribution. This type of graphical representation represents the total data set, and each segment of the pie represents a particular category as part of the whole. To use a pie chart, the data you are measuring must depict a percentage relationship or ratio. The basic requirement for designing this type of chart is that each segment must be calculated using the same unit of measurement, otherwise the numbers will be meaningless.
Venn diagrams are often a derivative of pie charts. This type of graphical representation shows the overlaps between and/or among sets of data. Each set is represented by a separate circle. The degree of overlap between the sets is depicted by the amount of overlap between the circles. A Venn diagram is a good choice when you want to convey either the common factors or the differences between distinct groups.
If we consider all the different forms of flow charts, we can conclude that they are one of the most common diagrams, used by both technical and non-technical people in numerous fields. A flow chart is a diagram that depicts a process or system in most cases as a sequence of actions. Flow charts are widely used in multiple fields to plan, design, study, document, improve and communicate often complex processes in clear, easy-to-understand diagrams. Flow charts use numerous shapes (e.g. squares, rectangles, ovals, and diamonds) to define the type of step, along with connecting arrows to define flow and sequence. They can range from simple, hand-drawn charts to comprehensive computer-designed diagrams depicting multiple steps and routes.
Another form of flow chart is a concept map. Concept maps are visual representations of information. They can take the form of charts, graphical organizers, tables, flow charts, Venn diagrams, lines, or charts. Concept maps can be especially useful and beneficial for effective data presentation. They are a powerful communication strategy because they help you see the problem in a wholistic way. Starting with higher-level concepts, concept maps help the audience to ‘chunk’ information based on meaningful connections. In other words, knowing the big picture makes details more significant and easier to remember. Seeing and understanding relationships between different things, analyzing information, and comparing and contrasting can be perfectly supported by concept maps.
A sequence of events, similarly to a concept map, can also be simply represented by a tree diagram. Tree diagrams are particularly useful in probability since they record all possible outcomes in a clear and uncomplicated manner. A tree diagram is used most often in mathematics – more specifically, in probability theory – as a tool to help calculate and provide a visual representation of probabilities. The outcome of a certain event can be found at the end of each branch in the tree diagram.
Hundreds or even thousands of data can be retrieved, ordered and processed if stored in the right way. A table is a simple and basic but at the same time useful and versatile tool for organizing information using rows and columns. Tables are used on their own or they can be used to accompany other data representation types. Sometimes they are a useful way of presenting textual information in a condensed form. They compile data and classify them into groups, thus the processes of comparing, contrasting and analyzing data are much easier. Every table must have a brief descriptive title and should be labelled with its source. Tables should also have lines demarcating different sections (title, headers, footnotes, etc.). Headings and subheadings should identify each set of data and show the units of measurement. A tabular presentation of data helps to display even a large amount of data in an engaging, easy-to-read and coordinated manner.
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