Nonverbal communication

Successfull communication

In order to communicate successfully people use different languages. What is more, apart from using words or sentences they use different gestures, which can complement or contradict the message sent.

Any communication process requires four elements to be executed successfully (chapter I, p. 12):

- the message is sent by the speaker or writer

- the message is received by the receiver (listener or reader)

- the message is understood

- the speaker receives feedback.

If one of these four elements fails then we can say that communication is not fully successful or the communicative goal has not been achieved. Very often, however, it is not enough to communicate in words. Interpersonal communication involves nonverbal messages, both intentional and subconscious. Furthermore, in some cases words convey a different message than the body, gestures or even facial expression. What to do? How to read the difference? The solution is simple:

If verbal and nonverbal messages are different, you should always focus on nonverbal communication.

There are different forms and channels of nonverbal communication, which you will find described below. They are body movements and posture, eye communica-tion, facial communication, touch communication, silence, closeness or personal space and para-language.