Activity B

There are a number of typical phrases in meeting minutes. Put the sentences below into the correct category according to their function.

  1.    Target date for on-site installation is 23/04/22.
  2.    Doubts have been raised as to standard of workmanship in Hornby complex.
  3.    All staff who require an induction to complete form L7 and return to HR by end of week.
  4.    BM to confirm equipment needed for depot.
  5.    Design team expected to complete construction drawings ASAP.
  6.    Cutoff for site clearance is end of this month.
  7.    SC to advise team on technical specifications of new device.
  8.    Maintenance issues to be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
  9.    Due date for final safety assessment is 25th April.
  10.    Client voiced concern regarding the building materials.
  11.    AJ to draw up Environmental Management Plan.
  12.    Site workers should wear hard hats at all times.